Miniature Toy Barn ~ Kathryn Capley

This one-of-a-kind barn is made by artist Kathryn Capley, who is known for her contemporary metal sculptures. This barn is all the more special because it is the first ever miniature scale barn designed by the artist.
Kathryn enjoys studying architecture and loves old barns. As a child, she drew plan after plan of barns and farms, and built them from cardboard boxes using index cards for walls and saran wrap for windows. She hopes her barns will become the favorite toys of imaginative children who will treasure them and pass them on to their children.
The exterior of the barn is oak strips that have been glazed with yellow and white. The drive in front of the barn is crushed slate. The paddock fence is wood and the gates open. The roof removes for easy play. The interior of the barn is wood, oak strips, stained on the upper wall, whitewashed pine below and wood partitions for the three stalls. The floor of the barn is "cement" ~ a skim coat of mortar mix. There is a light in the top of the barn.
Visit the website of Kathryn Capley for more information at